Smarter C/C++ inlining with __attribute__((flatten))

This post describes a compile-time technique for getting the benefits of aggressive inlining in hot code while protecting cool code from its downsides.

Hello friends!

A common technique for improving performance of hot code in C/C++ is to inline the hottest functions called. While it often helps make things faster, there are some downsides to inlining. Let’s quickly review the pros & cons:

Pros of inlining:

  • Removes function call overhead (yay!)
  • May reveal additional optimization opportunities (sometimes yay!)

Cons of inlining:

  • Increases program size (boo!)
  • May reduce cache locality (sometimes boo!)
  • May increase build times (boo!)

When compiling with optimizations, the compiler usually makes pretty reasonable choices about which functions to inline. It uses a combination of heuristics, with function size being the most important one AFAIK.

Manual inlining with __attribute__((always_inline))

However, sometimes you know some code is hot and the compiler has no idea. This is usually when __attribute__((always_inline)) comes in. If you add this attribute to a function, that function will now be inlined wherever it is called, even when the compiler would normally have dismissed it as too large. (Note that there are exceptions to this, and some functions cannot be inlined.)

Here’s a contrived example of a very common scenario in larger codebases:

__attribute__((always_inline)) inline void do_thing(int input)
    // this code is always inlined at the call site

void hot_code()
    // the program spends >80% of its runtime in this function
    while (condition) {

The above is all well and good, but what happens when do_thing() is a popular function that gets called a lot?

void cool_code()
    // the program spends <5% of its runtime in this function

Now the cool_code() function gets three copies of do_thing() inlined into it, invoking all of the cons from the list we made above (larger program size, worse cache locality, longer build time.)

Targeted flattening instead of global inlining

Now for the trick! Both GCC and Clang support __attribute__((flatten)). Putting it on a function causes all of its callees to be inlined into it. It’s dead simple.

void do_thing(int input)
    // this code is not always inlined at the call site

__attribute__((flatten)) void hot_code()
    // the program spends >80% of its runtime in this function
    while (condition) {
        call_something();   // inlined!
        do_thing(y);        // inlined!
        other_thing();      // also inlined!

void cool_code()
    // the program spends <5% of its runtime in this function
    do_thing(a);            // not inlined!
    do_thing(b);            // not inlined!
    do_thing(c);            // guess!

Note: Functions with __attribute__((noinline)) will not be inlined. The same goes for functions where the compiler can’t see the body.

In conclusion

__attribute__((flatten)) lets you opt in to the pros of aggressive inlining on a per-function basis, while protecting the rest of your program from the cons!

Until next time! :^)

Written on April 27, 2020